23 Jan 2023

News: Bucci (@BucciMwale19) braces through with his new single "Wofo"

Bucci returns with the release of his brand new single "Wofo (Soft Life)".

20 Jan 2023

News: AKA (@akaworldwide) returns with his brand new single "Prada" featuring Khuli Chana (@KhuliChana)

AKA returns with the release of his brand new single "Prada" featuring Khuli Chana.

17 Jan 2023

News: AKA (@akaworldwide) amplifies the release of "Mass Country" with his new single "Prada" featuring Khuli Chana (@KhuliChana) 

AKA sets to amplify the release of "Mass Country" with his new single, "Prada" featuring Khuli Chana.

11 Jan 2023

News: AKA (@akaworldwide) gears up for "Mass Country" with the release of official cover art

AKA gears up for "Mass Country" with the release of his official cover art.

10 Jan 2023

News: Sean Morgan (@SeanMorganMw) returns with the release of his new single "Ndizagenda"

Sean Morgan ends long-year hiatus with the release of his first new single of the year titled, "Ndizagenda".

6 Jan 2023

News: AKA (@akaworldwide) announces "Mass Country" release date

AKA confirms his long-awaited, "Mass Country" release date for 27th January 2023.